Dear Fellow Believers,

It grieves our heart to write this letter to all of our precious fellow believers, but this is a necessary letter.

     “These are the times that try men’s souls; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph”(Thomas Paine, December 19. 1776).

 Some might not agree that America is in crisis. Some might not see the appalling truth that to all Christian believers  the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has just taken a huge step to destroy Christianity with his latest order to have Easter, the greatest of all Christian celebrations to be declared a day to celebrate transgender people. While all Christians have to follow the Great Commandment to love one another, Christians are not told by God to honor people who do not follow God’s Word. This letter is not to create a debate of what God’s Word says about alternative lifestyles; God’s Word says to love ye one another. Having said that, we can love the souls of all people, but to set aside Jesus Christ’s Resurrection in order to honor people completely opposed to God’s Word is a cold slap to the face of all Christians. 

The purpose of this letter is a call to action to take a stand for Jesus in whatever way God leads ykou. It is our heart that we could not stand by idly and not speak up about our precious Savior; it is also our heart that all would come to know the love of Jesus and follow His Word. This letter is not to tear anyone down, but let all people know that Christians love  – genuine Christians love all people – no matter their decisions, but it is also to let all people know that all Christians believer in the life, death and RESURRECTION of Jesus, The Christ, our Savior, and we will not keep silent about the injustices being done to Christians by this president and his followers. It is our task as a Christian to pray for the souls of the perpetrators of this evilness so that they will turn to God, and we will do that. However, in the meantime, let’s pray and see what God will do to have this law overturned and ended in our land – the land God gave us.

God bless all His children! May those that walk in the darkness of evilness and those that perpetrate evilness be forgiven as they seek forgiveness.           



Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, It is now we must pray for the Peace of Jerusalem more than ever! Our Jewish brothers and sisters are in the greatest pain they have suffered since the Holocaust! We can not sit by and not talk to God on their behalf; this is how...

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What Are We Eating….

Good morning! Yes, God is still speaking, and His Words have been like honey to my spirit. He has given us a warning because of His great love for us to 'not eat of the food of the world's table.' Fear surfaced as one of the largest servings on the world's table;...

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